Setup Golang environment

Setup golang env within 10 min.

2 min readJul 4, 2022

Hi, I just set up my new golang programming in Windows. so exciting to write this blog.

Software needs:

Golang programming

vs code

Golang extenstions

Phase 1: Install the following in this order

We have the current best version in.exe file on golang official website. During this post go version is

Just Download it.

Execute .exe file

Click Next… Next… Next… Just Install Go Programming file

Phase 2: Add GOPATH

Setting -> About -> Advanced system settings -> environment variables -> PATH -> New -> add Path ex:(C:\Program Files\Go\bin)

Phase 3: Test Golang

Execute Cmd

go -h

Phase 4: Create folder in Gopath/src

Add that folder vs code and init go mod

go mod init

It is just like the nodejs package. we can add go modules in project.


Create main.go

package main; func main(){ fmt.Println("Hello"); }



cd filepath
go run main.go

